Area of ​​Pollution of White Storks Increased by 59%: NABU-Armenia

Area of ​​Pollution of White Storks Increased by 59%: NABU-Armenia

In 2023, the area of ​​white stork pollution in the Ararat Valley increased by 59% compared to the previous year, as informed by the Armenian branch of the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU).

NABU-Armenia 2023 has carried out counting of white storks in Ararat valley in Ararat and Armavir Regions.

The percentage of contaminated storks in the Ararat valley, according to nests, is 58.1% (18.5% increase compared to 2022), in particular, the degree of pollution in Armavir Region reaches 51.9% (16.6% increase compared to 2022), and 65.8% in Ararat Region (19.2% increase compared to 2022).

July 14, 2023 at 15:17