Socio-Ecological Problems in Akhtala Enlarged Community

Socio-Ecological Problems in Akhtala Enlarged Community

Akhtala enlarged community, Lori Region, is located in the zone of impact of the mining infrastructure. Problems in this community relate to environmental pollution, the consequent damage caused to human health, the possible definition of those damages, and the creation of alternative activities to mining in the community.

On November 19, 2021, during the meetings with the active population of the community and the representatives of the local self-government body in Akhtala within the framework of "Socio-Ecological Responsibility" project, discussions were held on community issues and their settlement. Roza Julhakyan, Program Expert, PhD in Chemical Sciences, presented the socio-ecological problems of the community.

Akhtala enlarged community was formed as a result of the unification of Akhtala, Tchotchkan, Mets Ayrum, Neghots and Shamlugh communities. It has 7719 inhabitants. The community poverty rate is 28.5%. Detailing the scope of the community's problems, Roza Julhakyan singled out the main obstacles to the community's development, which are as follows: difficult and catastrophic relief of the community, the poor condition of the drainage system and the lack of a treatment plant, the presence of toxic substances in the soils and the lack of means for cleaning them, the low level of employment and the growth of migrant dynamics, lack of opportunities for modern landfill, garbage collection and sanitation services in the community, lack of gas supply in a number of districts of the town, lack of jobs, high level of unemployment, existence of socially vulnerable groups in the community.

Impact of Mining on Community

"Akhtala OPC" CJSC mining company has a great influence and role in the community, first of all as a main employer. About 300 residents of the community are employed here. Nevertheless, as the official website of Lori Region says, "According to the company contract, it was to ensure at least 650 jobs, while today it employs only 500 people, out of which 200 are from other communities." The information about Akhtala community also mentions that the salaries of the employees are decreasing year by year, which causes a new wave of emigration.

"Akhtala OPC" Infrastructures

"Akhtala OPC" infrastructures are located in several settlements of Akhtala enlarged community. The 426.2-hectare Shamlugh copper mine is located in Shamlugh. “Nahatak” tailing dump, one of three tailing dumps owned by "Akhtala OPC”, is located in Mets Ayrum settlement, only a few hundred meters away from residential houses. Leaks from Nahatak tailing dump flow from time to time, mixing with the waters of the Debed River, which the residents of Ayrum and other surrounding villages use to irrigate their orchards.

Due to the proximity of these residential houses to the tailing dump, Mets Ayrum residents are at a risk of carcinogenesis. Examinations of indigenous lands, biomaterials, and evidence of high levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals. Nahatak tailing dump has a design capacity of 3.2 million cubic meters. According to the data for 2021, the area of ​​the tailings dam is 17.82 hectares. It should be noted the tailing dump reclamation project received the positive conclusion EIA BP 0132-21 on July 22, 2021.

Nazik reclaimed tailing dump is located near Akhtala monastery complex, the area is about 2 hectares, the design capacity is 0.5 million cubic meters, the filling is 0.4 million cubic meters. The surface of the tailings is reclaimed and covered with vegetation. However, this work is incomplete, the tailing dump is eroded, and the isolation of soil management waste is not safe. There is no drainage system. Due to insufficient insulation of the surface of Nazik reclaimed tailing dump, atmospheric precipitation is absorbed, comes out of the bottom of the dam in the form of drainage water and flows into the Akhtala River.

The tailing dump is currently in need of double reclamation. In 2020, RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure informed that there was a lack of land cover to cover the accumulated waste and prevent the spread of waste in the area near the Akhtala River, in the Nazik closed tailing dump. At the same time, in 2020, the issue of financing the rehabilitation works in the area of ​​Nazik tailing dump aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the waste accumulated in the tailings dump, according to the response by TAI, was submitted within the framework of interim funding request for 2021-2023.

The third tailing dump is called "Pahesti Dzor" and is located on the road to Shamlugh. The latter is also an open source of environmental pollution.

In addition to the tailing dump, pollution is also accumulated in various parts of the Akhtala community, abandoned landfills, and open mines, from where the leaks are regularly mixed with the Akhtala and Debed rivers flowing through the area.

According to the data of the state monitoring in 2020, due to the mining activity, heavy metals are especially polluted in the estuary of the Akhtala River, Debed River above Ayrum and near the Armenian border. 0.5 km above the Ayrum estuary of the Debed River, the general class of water quality is 4th, per manganese and vanadium it is 3rd class, and it is 4th class per molybdenum, iron and dependent materials. Debed's general quality class is also 4th near the border. The general class of water quality at the estuary of the Akhtala River is 5th class.

According to the results of the studies conducted in the mining areas adjacent to the rivers of the region in 2018-2021, the permissible concentrations in the rivers of the community exceeded the concentrations of zinc, copper, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and lead metals. Soil pollution is confirmed by numerous studies conducted by specialists of both local and international organizations.

Causing great damage to the environment and the local population, "Akhtala OPC" does not mitigate the impact of that damage in any way. The company did not include socio-economic support obligations in its soil management contract. In 2016, the company paid 2,025,014 AMD property tax to Akhtala Community, 249,758 AMD land tax, 3,600,000 AMD real estate tax and 3,943,494 AMD rent payment, 1940234, 249938, 3 600 000 and 5149329 AMD in 2017, respectively. In 2018, the company paid 1934236 AMD property tax, 125146 AMD land tax, 3 600 000 AMD real estate tax and 5974008 AMD land rent payment.

In 2019, the company paid 1,853,384 AMD property tax to the community, 302,226 AMD land tax, 5,974,008 AMD for land rent. The amount paid to the community for the rented real estate in the reporting year is 3,600,000 AMD. Charitable donations, donations or other gratuitous alienations constituted 2,865,562 AMD in 2016, 1,247,210 AMD in 2017 and 45,000,000 AMD in 2018, already 60,000,000.0 AMD in 2019, 200,000 AMD to Neghots school, and 24,000,000.0 AMD to Shamlugh school.

Commitments of socio-economic support to the community were not included in their soil management contracts of other companies such as "Tumanyan MCC" OJSC, "Tumanyan RCC" OJSC operating Ayrum basalt quartz and diorite mine. The activity of "Salenergo" LLC, which operates "Ayrum" SHPP built on the Debed River, also has a negative impact on the community's irrigation system, causing water access problems for the villagers.

It should be noted that in 2020 a subsidy program for the construction of the irrigation system of Chochkan settlement was implemented in Akhtala community, for which 15 300 000 AMD was opposed from the community budget, and the co-financing from the RA state budget made 10 524 150 AMD.

The list of projects approved in 2021 again includes the construction program of the irrigation system of Tchotchkan settlement, the total cost of which made up 45,274,454 AMD. The investment of the community made 15,846,058 AMD, the state investment accounted for 29428396.0 AMD.

According to RA Law “On Targeted Use of Environmental Fees Paid by Companies”, the amount of subsidy to be given to Akhtala community in 2018 was 886.6 thousand AMD, and in 2019 - 3311.1 thousand AMD. For the same years, the amount of that amount accounted for 0 for Mets Ayrum, Tchotchkan, Neghots, and Shamlugh settlements. In 2019, the community was not provided with subsidies for the implementation of environmental programs.

“Social and Ecological Responsibility” project is carried out by “Center for Community Mobilization and Support”, “Martuni Women’s Community Council”, “New Horizons”, “EcoLur” and “Forests of Armenia” NGOS within the frameworks of The Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA) project.

The Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA) project is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of DATA Project are the sole responsibility of “Community Mobilization and Support Center” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, EPF, and DATA Consortium.

January 04, 2022 at 15:12

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