RA Environment Ministry has issueda positive conclusion to the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) of "Aig-1" Solar Photovoltaic Plant filed by "EA Energy Advisory" LLC. The conclusion was signed by RA Environment Minister Hakob Simidyan on April 28, 2023.
The positive impact assessment requirements are as follows:
-During the implementation of the works, it is necessary to strictly follow the implementation of the environmental requirements and measures stipulated in the preliminary assessment application according to the plan presented in the application, and in case of their non-compliance, include additional measures in compliance with the environmental norms.
Fulfillment of technological design norms and environmental requirements stipulated in the EIA report, implementation of social programs planned by the company.
- Implementation of the measures provided in the environmental management plan and the monitoring program.
- It is necessary to carry out the removal of various types of waste generated during construction works in accordance with the procedure established by RA legislation, by professional services on a contractual basis. Avoid open burning of waste in the area.
In conclusion, there are no requirements for the management of e-waste generated by the operation of the plant.
"Aig-1" solar plant with a capacity of 200 MW will be built in the administrative area of Talin and Dashtadem settlements of Talin consolidated community, Aragatsotn Region, Armenia, and will occupy 547.31 hectares of land. According to the decision of Tallinn Aldermen’s Council, the plots of land were donated to the Republic of Armenia on behalf of "Armenian National Interest Fund" CJSC, which has a 15% share in "Masdar Armenia" company implementing the station construction project. 85% of the shares belong to the Abu Dhabi "Masdar" Company. The operation of the photovoltaic power plant is planned to launch in 2025.
For security purposes, the station will be fenced with a 2.7m high chain-link fence and topped with barbed wire. A total of 450,000 550-620 W double-sided panels (panels) will be installed on the territory of the station. The model of the photovoltaic panel will be selected by the general contractor and will most likely be imported.
During the earthworks to be carried out, the fertile layer of soil under the carriers, substation and roads will amount to 14 thousand 950 cubic meters, which will be stored at the edge of the solar plant area. During the works, 633 thousand cubic meters of soil will be excavated, out of which 504 thousand 162 cubic meters will be backfilled. The solar plant is planned to operate for 20 years, unless a decision is made to extend the operation. It is planned to cover the parts of the station, where earthworks were carried out during the construction stage, including the area of the substation, with plants characteristic of the local climatic conditions.
May 03, 2023 at 17:42