Garbage: Main Obstacle to Regional Tourism Development in Sisian

Garbage: Main Obstacle to Regional Tourism Development in Sisian


Ughtasar, Shaqi Waterfall, 'Zorats Qarer' monument, Vorotnavanq... these are the places of attraction, where the tourists usually visit in Sisian area of Syunik Region.

According to Hasmik Asatryan, Tourism Manager of 'Basen' Hotel Complex operating in Sisian Town, the main obstacle to the development of tourism here is the garbage.
'Out of the historical monuments, the Vorotnavanq is located on the road, where the main landfill site of the town is situated: the garbage is not sorted, recycled – it's burnt down poisoning the environment, which is directly carried out on the bank of the Vorotan River. We have to choose another road when accompanying tourists. Another example is Shaqi Waterfall: every time we visit there I feel ashamed, as the waterfall is clean only in rare cases. We don't organize visits to 'Warm Water' spot at all, as it's a garbage spot,' Hasmik Asatryan presented the situation in her interview with EcoLur.

'I'm dreaming of Sisian, where the whole population will be ensured with the fuel produced from the garbage,' she added.

'We try to take the tourists to Ughtasar most of the time because there are petroglyphs, volcano cones, which are rare phenomena all over the world. Right now we are facing a huge problem in Ughtasar: there is a cattle-breeding farm established in the center of such a huge cultural heritage, which any country would really dream of. We have beaten an alarm signal to the Committee of Monument Preservation and called the police. As it turns out, the sheep herd can graze here, as the Committee is in charge of 1000 petroglyphs only, but the area, which I'm speaking about, has 7500 stones with 11,000 petroglyphs on. These petroglyphs are easy to ruin, so they are in the process of getting eliminated,' Hasmik Asatryan said.


The material was developed in the frames of “Supporting new reforms in SHPP sector through CSO-government dialogue” supported by UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme".

September 05, 2017 at 17:27