This year, the program for repairing and building drinking water infrastructure in 27 settlements of Ararat, Gegharkunik and Syunik Regions worth 6.2 billion AMD will start. At the session of July 21, 2022, RA Government adopted a decision on making redistribution and amendments in the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2022 and allocating money to RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure.
Prime Minister Pashinyan mentioned the settlements where the mentioned program will be implemented, which are as follows: the main part are the settlements in Ararat Region: Artashat and Masis towns in Ararat Region, Azatavan, Berdik, Burastan, Shahumyan, Vostan, Verin Artashat, Verin Dvin, Dvin, Nor Ughi, Nor Kyanq, Poqr Vedi, Ghukasavan, Nor Kyurin, Sisavan, Aralez, Arbat, Khachpar and Mkhchyan villages, 5 settlements in Gegharkunik Region, Nerqin Getashen, Varser, Vahan, Karmirgyugh and Sarukhan villages and two settlements in Syunik Region, Meghri and Agarak towns.
July 25, 2022 at 10:35