Getahovit villagers, Tavush Region, demand from Nature Protection Minister Aram Harutyunyan immediately to stop the construction works of “Khachaghbyur-2” small HPP and to compensate caused damage. The villagers’ letter dated on 20.09.2012 mentions that the positive environmental expertise signed by Nature Protection Minister on “Khachaghbyur-2” small HPP construction project contradicts to the environmental legislation of Armenia. As substantiation, the letter particularly says:
“...Yenoqavan Village Head Andranik Chbukhchyan in his decision dated on 14.09.2012 recognized null and void the permitting documents he signed in regard with the construction of HPP building, laying aqueduct and pipes, and the constructions is actually carried out in the territory of Getahovit village. Meanwhile the villagers write, “No public hearings were held in Getahovit village, which is affected by “Khachaghbyur-2” small HPP. The Ministry didn’t include Getahovit in the project affected area thus violating provisions of Articles 4 and 6 of the Aarhus Convention and Articles 6,8, and 10 of RA Law “On Environmental impact Expert Assessment…”
The Ministry didn’t pay attention that the small HPP is constructed in the buffer zone of state environmental territory. “In accordance with RA Law “On Specially Protected Areas”, Article 18, any activities that may have negative impact on the ecosystem of the specially protected areas is prohibited, while the construction is carried out in the buffer zone of the state reserve.”
According to RA Law “On Fauna” and RA Law “On Flora” any activity leading to the reduction of red-listed animals is prohibited. At the same time, both hazel and endemic species of river trout, karmrakhayt inhabiting in the Khachaghbyur River are red-listed. “Khachaghbyur-1” small HPP, which has already been operating, has led to significant deterioration of habitat for these species.”
September 24, 2012 at 13:31