Voghji River down Kapan city (2012)

Voghji River, down Kapan city

Risk Level: 3

Parameter Data Level
Cu, mkg/l water 1196 3
Zn, mkg/l water 570 3
Mn, mkg/l water 960 3
NO2, mgN/l water 0.03 1
NH4, mgN/l water 0.46 1
V, mkg/l water 22 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Extraordinary Pollution with Copper, Manganese and Zinc Observed in Voghji River Downwards Kapan Town


Extraordinary pollution with copper, manganese and zinc has been observed in the section of the Voghji River downwards Kapan Town, which lead to ecological disastrous condition. Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” SNCO for 2012, the average annual concentration of copper in the section of the Voghji River downwards Kapan Town exceeded the MPC 119.6 times, manganese – 19.2, zinc – 11.4, nitrite ion – 3.0, ammonium ion – 2.3 and vanadium – 2.2.

Thus, the concentration of copper in the Voghji River made up 1196 μg, zinc – 570, manganese – 960, vanadium – 22, nitrite ion – 0.03 and ammonium ion – 0.46 mgN/l.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, the disastrous condition in the Voghji River downwards Kapan Town was caused by the excessive concentration of copper, zinc and manganese.

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Risk Analysis