EcoLur continues publishing the results of “SHPPs Impact on Riverd” studies. This time SHPPs caused the Aysas River to be found in a disastrous state. The Aysas River is the right tributary to Karakaya River (Karakaya River is a tributary to the Yeghegis River) and flows in the territory of Vayots Dzor Region, Armenia. Its length makes up 12 km, while the area of the total water catchment area – 33.2 km2. It flows into the Karakaya River. As of 1 January 2014, according to the licenses issued by Public Services Regulatory State Service, Hermon SHPP is constructed on the Aysas River operated by “Elegis HPP” LLC, the derivation length is 3270 meters.
It should be mentioned that “AratesEnergy” LLC is planning to construct “Nane” SHPP on the Aysas River, the derivation length of which is 2726 meters according to “Nane” SHPP project, while its public hearings were held on 19 March 2013 in Hermon Village, Vayots Dzor Region and the villagers supported it, as it created 8 working places. In case this SHPP is developed, Aysas will take a total territory of 5996 meters of the river into the pipes, which makes up 49.966667% of the river, which will be disastrous for the river.
This material was made possible through the full support of Open Society Foundations – Armenia’s Policy Fellowship Program Initiative, grant number 18571. Ideas, thoughts, and arguments presented in the paper are the sole expression of the author’s views and do not reflect those of Open Society Assistance Foundations – Armenia.
February 17, 2014 at 13:18