The Darb River flows in Vayots Dzor Region. It’s one of the tributaries to the Arpa River. It rises south from Vorotan pass in Zangezour Mountains and joins the Arpa River 6 km north-west from Artavan Village. Its length is 22 km.
As of 1 January 2014, under the licenses issued by Public Services Regulatory Committee and the main indicators of small hydro power plants operated by hydropower companies, “Saravan” SHPP is constructed on this river, which is operated by “FIRMA G.A.KH” LLC, derivation length – 3978.0, 433.2 meters.
The SHPP pipes a total river area of 4411.2 meters, which makes up 20.050909% of the river.
Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, this indicator has caused disastrous situation for the river.
This material was made possible through the full support of Open Society Foundations – Armenia’s Policy Fellowship Program Initiative, grant number 18571. Ideas, thoughts, and arguments presented in the paper are the sole expression of the author’s views and do not reflect those of Open Society Assistance Foundations – Armenia.
March 10, 2014 at 15:17