Public Journalists Presenting Situation in Debed, Marts, Dsegh, Yeghegnut Settlements Affected by Heavy Rains and Hail

Public Journalists Presenting Situation in Debed, Marts, Dsegh, Yeghegnut Settlements Affected by Heavy Rains and Hail

Heavy rains and hail caused great damage to the mountain settlements in Lori Region. Hail ruined the crops of Debed, Marts, Dsegh villages. The roads leading to Marts and Yeghegnut pastures became impassable due to heavy rains. The public journalists of EcoLur present the situation on "Voice of Public Journalists" Facebook group.

"Defoliated trees, hail-damaged crops. This afternoon in Dsegh, because of heavy hail and rain, the crops of the villagers were damaged," Mariam Yeganyan posted.

"Marts village of Tumanyan community, Lori Region, couldn’t escape the hail of June 1. The hail caused enormous damage to the village. The lands, where there were sows, appeared in a poor state, which were not restored even after the hailstorm. Hail has also damaged the roads of remote pastures of the village,” public journalist Nare Ghazaryan from Marts posted on Fb.

"Heavy rain has made the road leading to remote pastures of Yeghegnut settlement impassable. The start of the work to eliminate the consequences is given," Mane Hakobyan from Yeghegnut posted.

"Heavy rains and hail caused great damage to the improved roads of the Debet settlement, the high-voltage electric cables buried in the ground, and the water lines, and the crop was completely destroyed," Debet settlement reports.


June 11, 2024 at 16:50