Akhtala and Odzun Consolidated Communities Approved Introduction of Socio-Ecological Policy in Their Communities

Akhtala and Odzun Consolidated Communities Approved Introduction of Socio-Ecological Policy in Their Communities

On June 8, 2022, during the forum held in Haghpat settlement of Lori region, the draft socio-ecological policy developed for Akhtala and Odzun enlarged communities was presented. It was developed within the framework of "Social and Ecological Responsibility" project.

Representatives of Lori Regional Municipality, local self-government bodies (Akhtala and Odzun), non-governmental organizations and active residents of the beneficiary communities took part in the discussion.

Welcoming the work done, Administrative Head of Akhtala Consolidated Community Arkady Tamazyan noted that soon Akhtala and Shnogh communities will be included in Alaverdi community, as a result of which more settlements will benefit from the policy. "The document does not lose its relevance. We will have a document that will give the community a vision of alternative development in addition to mining," he said.

Having attached importance to holding such events, Hasmik Mkrtchyan, Head of Programs, Tourism and Analysis Department of Lori Regional Municipality, mentioned. “We hope that the project will play a significant role in bringing about positive change in the communities.”

Oleg Dulgaryan, President of " Center for Community Consolidation and Support " NGO, presented the essence of "Social and Ecological Responsibility" project, emphasizing that the socio-environmental policy was developed through a participatory method. "Politics is a consensus document that should strengthen the social and ecological potential of the community, try to ensure social and ecological justice equally considering the interests of all stakeholders," she said.

Director of "Forests of Armenia" NGO Nazeli Vardanyan presented the legislative regulations related to the social-ecological sphere. "We expect that as a result of the introduction of the policy, the corporate responsibility of the business will increase, whereas the communities will become demanding," she emphasized.

Inga Zarafyan, President of "EcoLur" Informational NGO, presented the videos prepared within the framework of the project entitled "Community and Socio-Ecological Challenges". "We have tried to make the voices of the community heard by the general public. We have presented the opinions of the residents and local self-government bodies on the alternative ways of community development, their expectations related to the project,” she said.

Abraham Artashesyan, Vice-president of "Union of Community Financiers" NGO, program expert, mentioned. "Through politics, we will give communities a tool through which they will understand how the public spheres in the community will interact with each other so as not to interfere with each other,” he outlined.

The participants of the forum praised the work done, approved the implementation of socio-ecological policy in of Akhtala and Odzun consolidated communities.

“Social and Ecological Responsibility” project is carried out by the NGOs involved in "Social-Ecological Consortium” - “Center for Community Mobilization and Support”, “Martuni Women’s Community Council”, “New Horizons”, “EcoLur” and “Forests of Armenia” NGOs within the frameworks of The Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA) project.

“Data for Accountable and Transparent Action” (DATA) project is implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) in a consortium with SOCIES Expert Centre NGO (Socies), Boon TV Foundation (Boon TV), Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan NGO (YCCD) and Sose Women Issues NGO (Sose) co-created with and supported by United States Agency for International Development. 

The Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA) project is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of DATA Project are the sole responsibility of “Center for Community Mobilization and Support” NGO and project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, EPF, and DATA Consortium.

June 13, 2022 at 17:00