Expectations from Introduction of Socio-ecological Policy Under Locals and Experts

Expectations from Introduction of Socio-ecological Policy Under Locals and Experts

Following the article on the forum held in Gegharkunik Region, where the socio-ecological policy of Martuni and Vardenis consolidated communities was discussed, Ecolur presents the opinions of individual forum participants, representatives of Gegharkunik Regional Administration, local government experts, project experts and local activists.

Reminder: the purpose of the forum held on June 7 was to discuss the draft socio-ecological policy of Martuni and Vardenis consolidated communities, which was developed within the framework of "Social and Ecological Responsibility" project.

Director of "Forests of Armenia" NGO Nazeli Vardanyan

"The policy refers to the principles and goals that should guide the communities in order to have balanced development and, to solve socio-ecological problems. That policy sets out the principles, the standards, the strengths and weaknesses of the communities, and the legal framework through which they should be guided. The priority issues and programs identified by the community on a participatory basis are identified. Based on this document, a program will be developed and presented to receive money from the state, how the money will be raised, used for its intended purpose.

Virtually all communities have raised the issue of drinking water and water supply. Drinking and irrigation water has become a priority."

Martin Petrosyan, Head of Department of Agriculture and Nature Protection of Gegharkunik Regional Municipality

"As a result of identifying socio-ecological problems, mastering the problems, we will have a socio-ecological policy that will contribute to the sustainable management of ecosystems in our communities.  We will work to ensure that our biodiversity does not decline, that there is an increase in population incomes, that population outflows are reduced, and that there is participatory governance in organizations that use natural resources.

Previously, residents were unaware that they had the right to require a natural resource operator in their area to pay a certain amount to the budget so that the community could use it at its own discretion for community development. We now have an inventory of our miners. For those who do not have a contractual obligation, we renew the land contracts related to subsoil use. In this way, we fix the additional financial support of the businesses to the community. "

Adviser to Head of Vardenis Consolidated Community Khazhak Mkrtchyan

"Until now, Vardenis Community has not had a socio-economic policy that should lead to the solution of environmental problems in the communities. It will help the community administration, council and residents to understand what is up to them, what they can offer, and how to eliminate the negative environmental impact. Policy is very important so that we can include in our five-year plans the measures we need to take to address environmental issues."

Satik Badeyan, Member of Center for Territorial Development and Research

"A lot of important work has been done. No matter how much the policy is designed for two specific communities, I think it should be an example for the other communities. On the other hand, I do not think that any community can assess the environmental situation and impact that does not affect other communities through Lake Sevan. It would be good if the final version was available or we had the opportunity to meet and discuss once after discussing.

We have recently developed a strategy for the cultural development of the community. One of our strategic goals has been to turn Sevan community into a producer and exporter of ecological farming. We have set ourselves the task that ordinary household relations and especially the economy should be built in the community, considering the ecological component. We have developed a mechanism and established an ecological council attached to the local government. Any draft decision made in the community must have the conclusion of that ecological council. The strategy we have developed has been developed in line with the policy, as the socio-environmental component has been considered."

“Social and Ecological Responsibility” project is carried out by the NGOs involved in "Social-Ecological Consortium” - “Center for Community Mobilization and Support”, “Martuni Women’s Community Council”, “New Horizons”, “EcoLur” and “Forests of Armenia” NGOs within the frameworks of The Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA) project.

“Data for Accountable and Transparent Action” (DATA) project is implemented by Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) in a consortium with SOCIES Expert Centre NGO (Socies), Boon TV Foundation (Boon TV), Youth Cooperation Center of Dilijan NGO (YCCD) and Sose Women Issues NGO (Sose) co-created with and supported by United States Agency for International Development. 

The Data for Accountable and Transparent Action (DATA) project is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of DATA Project are the sole responsibility of “Center for Community Mobilization and Support” NGO and project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, EPF, and DATA Consortium.

June 16, 2022 at 17:00