New Loan and Grant to Increase Energy Efficiency of Kindergartens and Polyclinics in Yerevan

New Loan and Grant to Increase Energy Efficiency of Kindergartens and Polyclinics in Yerevan

In order to reduce the energy consumption of public buildings in Yerevan community and to support energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, the financial agreement "Yerevan's Second Phase of Energy Efficiency" will be signed between the Republic of Armenia and the European Investment Bank. The bank will provide a loan of 25 million Euros to Armenia. An investment grant of 10.1 million Euros from the EU Neighborhood Investment Platform will be involved for co-financing.

On November 23, 2023, the executive approved the proposal to sign the project's financial contract. As a result of the project, the general technical condition of 6 polyclinics and 32 kindergartens of the capital will be improved.


December 04, 2023 at 11:46