Within the framework of the commitments undertaken by the 2025 climate agenda, Armenia should specify actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gases and adapting to climate risks, as Diana Harutyunyan, UNDP Climate Change Programme Senior Advisor, noted during "Ahead of CEPA Roadmap Update" roundtable held in Yerevan on September 13, 2024.
Armenia has a climate agenda and undertaken commitments until 2030. By the middle of next year, a new recommendation should be developed, which should provide for more specific actions for reducing or limiting greenhouse gases, as well as adapting to climate risks, which create more significant and painful problems directly in the communities," Diana Harutyunyan noted.
"The United Nations Development Program and many other donor organizations emphasize the active involvement of communities in this work. As they say, policies are adopted in ministries and implemented in communities," Diana Harutyunyan emphasized.
According to her, today there are guidelines regarding the involvement of climate risks and the inclusion of climate policy in communities.
In her speech, Diana Harutyunyan highlighted the importance of having an action plan for climate risk management in communities and using other policies.
“It is necessary to really use the institution of council members so that small settlements involved in consolidated communities do not suffer in the protection of their interests," she said.
According to Diana Harutyunyan, the climate policy is an indicator of the extent to which communities are able to understand their needs correctly. In that context, she outlined the need to restore the operation of Aarhus Centers in Armenia.
It should be noted that the roundtable was organized within the framework of "Strengthening Communities in Implementation of Climate Policy in Armenia through Participation and Awareness Raising" project, which is implemented in cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office - South Caucasus Region.
This article was prepared within the framework of "Strengthening Communities in Implementation of Climate Policy in Armenia through Participation and Awareness Raising" project, which is implemented in cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office - South Caucasus Region.
The content of the article is solely the responsibility of the author, and it cannot in any way be perceived as the viewpoint of the Heinrich Boell Foundation Yerevan Office - South Caucasus Region.
October 16, 2024 at 14:34