The issue of Teghut tailing dump security requires thorough scrutiny by the responsible state structures. The new administration of Teghout CJSC, operating the Teghout copper-molybdenum mine, insists that the tailing dump is safe and is operating that tailing dump. The Government of the Republic of Armenia, represented by RA Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection and Mining Inspection, ignores the fact that Teghout mine date expired 5 years ago and that the application by Teghout CJSC was returned in 2016 by Environmental Expertise Center SNCO.
Meanwhile, former company owner Vallex Group and international organizations are warning about the risk of tailing dam collapse and possible casualties.
The International Council of Miners and Minerals (ICMM), whose mission is to ensure safety, fairness and stability in the mining industry, sent a letter on July 10, 2019 to RA Government members: Minister of Nature Protection Erik Grigoryan, Deputy Minister of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources Hakob Vardanyan, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Vardan Gevorgyan which says:
“Mining engineering services provider Global Resource Engineering (GRE), registered in Denver, Colorado, USA, contacted ICMM and reported that Teghut tailing dump in Armenia is in an extremely dangerous condition: it faces the imminent danger of collapse that could result in human casualties. This is supported by geotechnical and other surveys conducted by GRE in 2017-2018. Their findings were later confirmed as a result of an independent technical review of the data in 2018. The extremely dangerous situation is the result of a combination of inadequate design and construction, misuse and inadequate management."
Australia's ATC Williams expert company has also documented the volatility of Teghut tailing dam, which considered the tailing dam as "extremely dangerous" in 2018. It should be reminded that Vallex Group suspended the operation of Teghut tailing dump based on the results of the abovementioned companies. The logic of the new administration of Teghout CJSC is that there is no leakage from the tailing dump because the volumes do not exceed.
December 16, 2019 at 12:04