On 31 July 2014 the executive adopted resolution N 781-N, which contradicts to the Armenian legislation. Resolution “On Preservation of Flora in the Republic of Armenia and Setting Procedure for Their Use for the Purpose of Reproduction in Natural Conditions” allows the business entity to change the location of red-listed plant species, if these plant species can’t be preserved in the area of the business activities. The resolution bases on Article 5 of RA Law “On Flora”, which contradicts to Article 17 of the same law and Article 26 of RA Code on Subsoil.
It should be mentioned that simultaneously with adopting this decision, Lydian International Company submitted the EIA of Amulsar mining project for the environmental expertise to Nature Protection Ministry, which says that red-listed Potentilla porphyrantha growing in the area of Amulsar project will be transferred from the mine area.
October 20, 2014 at 12:53