A new initiative within the framework of the LILA Project: as an outcome of our cooperation with the Armenian Green Technologies Center Foundation, photovoltaic hybrid mobile stations were transferred to 3 beneficiary communities in Vayots Dzor and Sisian.
The stations can work both in network-connected and autonomous modes, providing electricity in remote pastures, operating milking units, as well as honeycomb devices and electric fences. Due to their simple construction, the stations can be quickly assembled and transported anywhere and by anyone, including farmers without professional qualifications. Each device is equipped with a photovoltaic battery with an installed capacity of 2.2 kW, a hybrid inverter with an installed capacity of 3 kW, and a 300 NA gel battery.
Hermon, Vernashen and Shaghat settlements will receive one station each and 4 will remain in Shatin village, for mitigating human-wildlife conflict via electric fences and lights. Before handing over the devices, the director of the Armenian Green Technologies Center foundation conducted training for future beneficiaries. The project “Autonomous-hybrid solar electric stations to improve the livelihood of the population from the conflict-affected areas” was implemented with the financing of the UNDP GEF SGP and the co-financing of the LILA project.
Living Landscapes for Market Development (LILA) is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the Armenian branch of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Armenia) in collaboration with Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO.
Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia (LILA) is a 7-year project aimed at preserving the livelihoods of the rural population of Armenia through protection and sustainable use of natural resources in mountainous ecosystems of Armenia. The project is funded by the Government of Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Caucasus and Armenian offices in collaboration with Strategic Development Agency (SDA) NGO. The project is complementary to and builds on synergies with Ecoregional Corridors Programme in the South Caucasus (ECF), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the KfW Development Bank and implemented by WWF Caucasus (WWF-Armenia in Armenia).
July 18, 2023 at 13:45