According to the decision of RA Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC), the tariff for the electricity produced by "Helios-1" solar plant was set at 22,547 AMD/kWh without value added tax. The decision was adopted at the meeting of the commission held on July 13. The tariff will be valid until July 1, 2023.
"Helios-1" solar plant was built by "Helios Energy" LLC in the administrative area of Aragatsotn community, Aragatsotn Region, RA. The station is built on a plot of 10.27973 ha, which is the property of the company.
On the same day, by another decision, the PSRC set a tariff of 25,052 AMD/kWh without value added tax for the delivery of electricity from "SOPOT" solar power plant owned by "LiMar Green" LLC built in Nor Bazmaberd settlement, Aragatsotn Region. It will operate until July 1, 2023.
The projects for the construction and operation of these solar plants were not subjected to environmental impact assessment (EIA) examination, because the legal regulations of the sector do not clearly define the issues of EIA of solar plant projects.
July 18, 2022 at 11:36