Amulsar Roads Won't Be Cleared: Response of "Amulsar Without Mine" Initiative to PM's Call

Amulsar Roads Won't Be Cleared: Response of


In response to RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's September 9 call to clear roads leading to Amulsar Mine, the Amulsar Mine Initiative has disseminated a statement:

"There was an unexpected announcement by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, WHERE the main call was to open Amulsar's post, to open roads in front of Lydian, in case when an international research organization trusted by our state has publicly stated that Lydian's documents are incomplete and unprofessional, in case when an entire resort town is opposed to having a metal mine nearby.

We respond to that call, and our response is short and clear.

- The positions of Amulsar will not open, but on the contrary, they will get stronger. We will not allow this mine to be exploited; Amulsar will remain a mountain. We will fight to the end; let's unite the people's forces and stand behind our compatriots living in Jermuk with all Armenians."

September 10, 2019 at 12:39