No Criminal Cases To Be Filed For Illegal Logging In Lake Arpi National Park Due To Lack Of Corpus Delicti

No Criminal Cases To Be Filed For Illegal Logging In Lake Arpi National Park Due To Lack Of Corpus Delicti

Law enforcement agencies have registered cases of illegal logging in the territory of "Lake Arpi National Park" SNCO. According to the press release disseminated by RA Prosecutor's Office:

During the first half of 2021, 7 materials on illegal tree felling from the territory of "Lake Arpi" National Park SNCO were prepared in Ashotsq department of Shirak Regional Department of RA Police. With all the prepared materials, a decision was reached to refuse to initiate a criminal case on the grounds of lack of corpus delicti, as the damage caused in each case did not exceed the minimum amount provided for by the Criminal Code.

The matter is that the study of the materials showed that the cases of illegal tree felling by an unknown person /person / were registered separately in each case by the employees of "Lake Arpi National Park" SNCO (one or two trees) and individual letters were dispatched on each case.

The amount of compensation for the damage caused to the flora within the materials prepared on the basis of them was also given separately by the specialists. Meanwhile, from the point of view of combating illegal logging, it would be more effective to record the cases of logging in the whole area or in a certain part, to compile a summary report on the logging, which would make it possible to initiate a criminal case, pursue crime detection with a wide range of criminal investigation tools.

Acting Minister of Environment Romanos Petrosyan instructed to establish strict control, to be strictly consistent in the work carried out, to record and prevent forest violations taking place in forests and specially protected areas of nature.

Photo Credit: The Ministry of Environment

July 01, 2021 at 16:18