The last week of May 2024 was a difficult period for Lori and Tavush Regions in Armenia. As a result of the flooding of the Debed and Aghstev rivers, the flood caused enormous damage to settlements, infrastructures, and people. 39 settlements were recognized as disaster zones, including Vahagnadzor and Dzoraget villages of Pambak community.
The water completely destroyed the M6 interstate road in the Dzoraget area. Houses, basements, and a hotel were completely flooded. Destroyed gardens and drowned pets everywhere.
In EcoLur’s new video entitled "May Disaster in Pambak Community", the representatives of Pambak consolidated community tell about the damage caused to the settlements and the expectations from the relevant bodies of the villages.
Watch the video for more details.
The video was prepared within the framework of "IMPACTED COMMUNITIES AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS AS PARTICIPANTS IN INTRODUCTION OF SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL CULTURE IN ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES IN ARMENIA" project implemented by "EcoLur" Informational NGO. The project is implemented with the support of "EU4Climate" regional program and the UNDP/GEF Small Grants Program.
July 18, 2024 at 11:59