Teghout Residents To Be Employed: “Teghout” CJSC Accepted Their Demand

Teghout Residents To Be Employed: “Teghout” CJSC Accepted Their Demand

Teghout residents have just unblocked the road leading to "Teghout" CJSC. The company agreed to hire Teghout residents.

In his conversation with EcoLur, Teghout resident Martin Shakhkyan said that the delegation that went to negotiate with "Teghout" CJSC executive director returned with a promise of employment.

"We have been told that 20 people will be employed by December, out of whom ten will be employed by the end of September. The representative of the company promised to employ a total of 20-60 people. "We will compile the list of priorities of the residents, we will decide who needs that work more at this moment," he said.

September 02, 2020 at 13:00