Delayed Positive Opinion to EIA of Second-Shift Mining Operations at "Teghut" CJSC

Delayed Positive Opinion to EIA of Second-Shift Mining Operations at "Teghut" CJSC

RA Ministry Environment issued a positive conclusion to the main environmental impact assessment report (EIA) of the second stage operation of the Teghut copper-molybdenum mine by "Teghut" CJSC.

The expanded open pit area of ​​the second phase of Teghut copper-molybdenum mine is located on the borders of Shnogh and Teghut settlements. The annual productivity of the open pit will make up 7 million tons. Within the framework of the second round, the commodity ore to be extracted will amount to 91 million tons.

Tailing Dump

The causal part of the conclusion mentions that during the public discussions held in Teghut settlement, the question of the stability of the tailing dump was raised, in response to which the company informed that technical safety examination is carried out in the tailing dump as a dangerous production facility every year. It should be noted that "National Technical Safety Center" of RA Ministry of Emergency Situations carries out only the examination of documents, and such an examination cannot provide true information about the real condition of the tailing dump.

Years ago, information was circulated about the filling of Teghut tailing dump and the danger of self-collapse. "Vallex" Group, which operated Teghut mine, announced the risk of self-collapse of  the tailing dump.

Mining operations resumed in 2019. "Teghut Mining" CJSC ordered a study on the stability of the tailings dam to Bulgarian "Geotechmin" Company. In response to EcoLur's inquiry in 2022, General Director of "Teghut Mining" CJSC Vladimir Nalivaiko stated that according to the project documents, with the completion of the first stage, the works of strengthening the dam of the tailing dump completed, and the dam was loaded with about 1 million tons of rock.

Phase 2 work has begun, during which it is planned to carry out reinforcement and concrete works for the extension of the tailing water collector pipeline by March 31, 2022, which cannot be carried out without stopping ore processing at the concentrator.


For the implementation of the Teghut copper-molybdenum mining project, 357 ha of forest should be cut down and 714 ha should be planted instead. According to the opinion, the area of​​​​restored forest areas makes up 548 ha.

The total area of ​​​​gardens planted in Shnogh village makes up 129.2985 ha, this indicator should be increased to 180 ha.

Reminder: the monitoring carried out by EcoLur years ago showed that the afforestation works undertaken by the company in a number of places failed.

RA Prosecutor's Office initiated a criminal case in 2019 for the non-performance of works in the area of ​​315 hectares and the submission of false data within the framework of the Teghut project planned by "ArmForest" SNCO.

Damage to Economy

During the operation of Teghut mining complex, the economic damage caused to the economy due to emissions was estimated at 81 million AMD per year, the damage caused to land resources was estimated at 352 million 623 thousand AMD, the economic damage caused to water resources was estimated at 746.3 thousand AMD per year, whereas the economic damage caused by deforestation was 1925 million AMD per year.

June 02, 2023 at 18:49