Environmentalist Beating Alarm Signal: Norashenik River Changed Its Colour Because of Tails from Artsvanik Tailing Dump: ZCMC Denying

Environmentalist Beating Alarm Signal: Norashenik River Changed Its Colour Because of Tails from Artsvanik Tailing Dump: ZCMC Denying


Kapan-based environmentalist Armen Parsadanyan is beating an alarm signal to the Hetq Newspaper that the Norashenik River has been transformed from the tails of the Artsvanik Tailing Dump owned by Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine. The environmentalist posted a video showing the foam and blue mass flowing down the river.

Parsadanyan informed that he had informed the Syunik Regional Department of Nature Protection and Mining Inspection, whose staff carried out a sampling.
ZCMC CJSC has disseminated a statement on the alarm signal, which states:  

"ZCMC CJSC officially denies this information and declares that all the structures of the company, including the Artsvanik tailing dump infrastructure, operate smoothly."
It should be noted that alarm signals on the dump of the Artsvanik tailing dump are regularly beaten.

Alarm signal 1

Alarm signal 2

Alarm signal 3

In addition, there are alarm signals beaten on the pollution of the Voghji River because of ZCMC activities.

Alarm signal 1

Alarm signal 2

Alarm signal 3

In October 2019, a criminal case was instigated by Syunik Regional Prosecutor's Office over damages to Zoghji River by pipeline damage and wastewater pollution.

February 04, 2020 at 15:40