Since 2005 Artik Air Basin Ignored

Since 2005 Artik Air Basin Ignored


Though Artik Town is located under the impact of stone pit dust, atmospheric air monitoring hasn't been carried out here since 2005.

As EcoLur has been informed by 'Environmental Impact Monitoring Center', only Gyumri air basin is examined in Shirak Region, while additional governmental funds are needed to carry out monitoring in Artik air basin, which haven't been provided for almost 10 years.

 As a result of the examinations carried out in the years preceding to 2005 the density of the dust in Artik made up 2000 g/s, which exceed the general permissible concentration for dust many times (0.15 mg/m3 per 24 hours).

These mines located under the open air are sources of enormous volumes of dust. The winds blowing from Aragats directly disperse the dust on the surrounding vegetation cover and town.

The remainders generating from stone mining make up over 65% of the mines tufa mass. Only 30% of these remainders are used as concrete fillers, the rest is left in the mining area,'

 'Artik Community Socio-Economic Program for 2013-2016' program says.

As of 1 July 2016, 17 soil management permits are issued for non-metallic mines in Artik.

July 07, 2016 at 17:38