At the session of January 18, 2024, the Government of the Republic of Armenia approved the resolution to ratify "Yerevan Urban Development Investment Program" loan agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the Asian Development Bank. According to the agreement, a loan in the amount of EUR 60,090,000.00 will be provided for a period of 27 years.
According to the agreement for the rationale of the resolution, the Isakov-Arshakunyats road section will be built, which will connect several administrative districts of Yerevan, taking on large traffic flows and reducing traffic jams. Isakov-Arshakunyats road section is the logical continuation of Monte Melkonyan street.
The planned works include the construction of the necessary wings of the existing road junction on Isakov Avenue, which will provide access to the Noragyugh district, a 269 m long reinforced concrete bicycle bridge will be built on the Hrazdan River, a road junction with a tunnel crossing and a roundabout will be built on Arshakunyats Avenue. The program under the agreement is expected to end on September 30, 2027.
January 18, 2024 at 21:31